Designed to make you want to read books!

Monday, 9 January 2012

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone had a great winter break! Now that all the festivities are over expect our usual once a week reviews to start pumping out again. What were your great holiday reads?
Our first review of 2011 will be posted by tonight on Haruki Murakami's 1Q84! Keep checking up on us or follow @joshlegere on twitter for regular updates!


  1. A great book.
    Where is your link and instructions for submitting books?

    Want to send you an ARC

    1. I actually don't have anything set up for that yet, although I might do that now. For now I'll just give you my mailing address and you can send it at your leisure.

      Here it is:
      Josh Legere
      315 Mortimer Avenue
      Toronto, Ontario
      M4J 2C6
