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Saturday, 4 February 2012

Guest Review!

As much as I enjoy reviewing books myself, it isn't often that I get to experience other peoples views in such depth. I know all of you read books and I would love to give you the chance top have a more active role in this site.
For the first time ever, Boow Reviews will have a guest review post. Someone other than myself will write a review and have it featured on my page. The fun part is that it could be you!
Anyone interested in submitting a review will have a chance to do so. Simply email your review to me at by next Saturday, February 11th. One of these reviews will be selected to be featured on my page shortly after and the writer will receive full credit for their work. I'm sure everyone has something interesting to say and I am excited to see what you all have to offer. Please send your reviews in by next weekend to be eligible! Please provide your full name and the title of the book you have reviewed.

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