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Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Book Review - Perfect People

This review is dedicated to Peter James' Perfect People.

This book is artfully twisted. The hopeful parents of a child lost to a rare and unfortunate genetic disease, Naomi and John Klaesson are dedicated to make a healthy replacement baby. They will go to any length to not endure the fall of another child to a mortifying and untimely death. They found Dr. Dettore. A visionary genius, Dettore vows to give them a perfect child. A child created to be genetically superior to every human being on the planet. The Doctor gives them unfathomable options in the genetic makeup of their son and their excitement elevates as they give him unprecedented advantages in life. Naomi becomes pregnant and they are hopeful.
But something is wrong.  People start to die. 
Ensnared in an earth-altering plot, the Klaesson's are terrified and confused. Moving halfway around the world as their lifelines evaporate, shadows creep in upon them. They're not safe. Never Safe.

In this wonderfully chilling story, boundaries are shattered to the point of disbelief. This was one of the most interesting concepts I've ever read in a book. I found myself thinking about how obsessed we are with becoming perfect. Makes you wonder. How soon will this book become our reality?
In a progressively unsettling story, Peter James gives you a taste of a life with a perfect child...or two?
Would you do it?

Be careful what you wish for...

1 comment:

  1. This cover is gorgeous.
    I love the blues and whites.
    And it makes me want to read it all the more.
    The concept of the story is intriguing too.
